Thursday, March 17, 2011

Surviving the 2nd Pregnancy

YES! I'm pregnant... AGAIN! I know, it's wrong to disappear for 9 months and come back 8 months pregnant! Believe me, though, I've been busy. You know, the usual, going to school, tending after baby #1, who is actually a giant sized toddler now, but insist on everyone calling her BABY lol. This post is about how I have managed to come this far, with the mercy of God, and still be somewhat sane and enjoying life.

I should probably be getting paid for a blog like this, because I am clearly promoting a bunch of products, but unfortunately I'm volunteering the advertisements because these items truly have helped me survive over the past 32 weeks!

Comfy, yet stylish, Pink and Black Nike Air. I broke down and spent $100 at the local Lady's Footlocker, but I found them on sale on this site.

Bio-Oil- feels good to rub on the growing baby belly, plus fades old stretch marks and prevents new ones! I also use Burt's Bees Tummy Butter just cause it feels good and makes my skin soft as a baby:)

Merona Wrap-Around Wool Maternity Coat. I knew in November that my belly was growing fast and I had to invest in a maternity coat. But luckily for me, I found a great one without too much investing, paying $59.99 on

Tea. Chamomile to unwind and Black tea to stay awake. A pregnant body is going to do what it wants, but at least the teas made me stop and take a deep breath, bringing some peace to a hectic, sleepy, insomnia-filled pregnancy.

PRAYER - last, but certainly not least! Taking some time out a few times a day to be quiet and offer worship to the Creator is a must! When life seems to be escaping me, and I feel confused and overwhelmed, I just thank God that I am living and breathing and have people that love and care for me! I thank God for my little ones and for their health. Pregnancy can be a very stressful time, but it's important to appreciate the little things- the kicks and wiggles, even the sickness is a sign that a life is growing inside you!